By TradesViz On in General

Why is journaling important?

Why even journal your trades? Why should you analyze your trades? How does it help you? All your journaling questions are answered here!

By TradesViz On in How-To

TradesViz on Mobile?

Want to use TradesViz on your mobile without your browser? Learn how here!

By TradesViz On in Introduction

New feature: Seasonality Charts for all symbols

In trading, it is said that history always repeats itself... So, why not use it to our advantage? You can now view seasonality charts for ANY symbol from US, Canada & Indian exchanges on TradesViz to see how the ticker's performance changed historically for any given period.

By TradesViz On in Changelog

Dec 2021 to Feb 2022 Updates: Options flow, Custom dashboard, Exit analysis & more!

A massive new feature: Options flow added to TradesViz along with auto-import support for Robinhood, custom dashboards, and lots of minor QoL features. Read on to know more!

By TradesViz On in Auto Import Trades

Auto import trades from Gemini (Cryptocurrency)

Auto-import your Crypto transactions from Gemini!